Gay leather guy orgy Mike Roberts, Ric Hunter, Austin Masters and Jay Black at Titan Men

Titan Men says: Leather muscle hunks Ric Hunter, Mike Roberts Austin Masters, Jay Black and Bronn Douglas big dick orgy.

Security guard Mike Roberts identifies Tucker and Webb’s mysterious cargo at a warehouse loading dock.

After the truckers depart, Roberts leads motorcyclists Ric Hunter and Karl Hengst to a hoisted and bound Austin Masters for tit, cock, and ball torture that makes Master’s cock rockhard.

Jay Black and Bronn Douglas, men with thick muscles and cocks, draw the attention of Hunter and Hengst while Roberts jacks then fucks Masters.

The warehouse is filled with raw men in rut, rimming, cocksucking, and fucking that tear at the flesh and fill each pairing with gushing cum shots.

All join into an intense group orgy with fuck circles that climax with additional cum shots by Hunter, Hengst, and Black.

See all Ric Hunter gay hardcore fuck sessions at Titan Men here.

See all Mike Roberts gay hardcore fuck sessions at Titan Men here.

See all Austin Masters gay hardcore fuck sessions at Titan Men here

See all Jay Black gay hardcore fuck sessions at Titan Men here.

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