Sexy young hottie Matthew Ellis bottoms for Sean Cody Kyle’s massive thick cock

Sean Cody says: Sexy young muscle bottom boy Matthew Ellis’s bare hole fucked by Kyle’s massive thick dick at Sean CodyA slender and fit Aussie Matthew is instructing three of his most-loved leg exercises today. And Matthew is attracting the attention of Kyle who is watching him from the back of the gym. Matthew requests Kyle to help him while he performs glute bridges. He raises his** until it nearly touches Kyle’s hands. The muscular top is watching as Matthew extends his side, and they’re both ready to go by the time they meet back up in the bedroom, with Kyle trying to get Matthew’s hard-on on his shorts, and then playing with the bottom’s hole while they take off their clothes. Kyle says to Matthew, “All the Way” while he eats the top. Matthew sucks it, and Kyle says to Matthew, “All the Way.” “Oh, it’s so deep,” the bottom moans as the bottom rides Kyle on the bed. Matthew exhales when Kyle is able to snare his doggy style. See all Kyle gay hardcore fuck sessions at Sean Cody here.See all Matthew Ellis gay hardcore fuck sessions at Sean Cody here.

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